Services & Fees

Proof Reading – $50 an hr.

Proof reading consists of a Grammar Check, Finding and Correcting Spelling Errors and Shortening Run-On Sentences.

Your article will be returned with all changes tracked and explained.

As part of the service, once the assignment is complete, you will receive a written Readability Report, which answers questions such as Is the article coherent? Is the language used fit for the readership? Are the issues raised dealt with? Are the questions asked answered?

If any of the answers to these questions is in the negative, you may wish to have the article edited.

Editing – $100 an hr.

The goal of this editor is to return a readable article to you. This may require changing the language used to fit the readership and reshaping the article by bringing certain ideas forward, making sure it is logical, coherent and deals with all the issues the writer raises.

Before starting, I will check the article and send you an estimate of what editing needs to be done and the cost so there will be no surprises.

(The editing fee does not include fact checking.)


Magazine articles: $250 – $1,500 per article depending on the length and the number of voices – interviews – required.

Press Releases – $350

Before starting any assignment, please send me an email detailing what you want in the article or press release. I will send you an estimate of the cost so there will be no surprises.

I require a 50% retainer before starting any work.

I watch my email like a hawk, so rest assured, I will get back to you promptly.

Contact me directly at